por Miguel-A-Rodriguez | Jul 20, 2019
An Indian philosopher and writer Rabindranth Tagore said that «The truth does not belong to he who screams loudest». I think this statement has a lot to do with what we are experiencing nowadays. Where thanks to the last advances on AI (Artificial Intelligent), we can...
por Miguel-A-Rodriguez | Jun 28, 2019
On the 17th of June the “new” mortgage law was enforced, with the main purpose of setting rules for enforcing the protection of people (not companies) and consumers of credit services that are guaranteed by a mortgage or any other type of guaranties over properties or...
por Miguel-A-Rodriguez | Jun 20, 2019
El pasado 17 de junio entró en vigor la “nueva” Ley Hipotecaria, cuyo principal cometido es establecer normas que refuercen la protección de las personas físicas (que no empresas) consumidoras de préstamos que estén garantizados mediante hipotecas u...
por Miguel-A-Rodriguez | Jun 2, 2019
It is said that when we are children, all of us are born with an innate capacity for lateral or divergent thinking and when the years pass, we lose that for different reasons. In fact, in an experiment developed by NASA in 2011 with a group of North American children...
por Miguel-A-Rodriguez | Jun 2, 2019
Dicen que de niños, todos nacemos con una capacidad innata para el pensamiento divergente o lateral, y que con los años, la vamos perdiendo por diversos motivos. De hecho, en un experimento desarrollado por la NASA en el año 2011 con un grupo de niños estadounidenses...